
Shorter Jail time Immunity on every Cade 15%  FRAUD YORK BACK TO YORK-6.docxevery Bid ..We all Qualify..


Clemency is the act of reducing a penalty for a particular criminal offense without clearing the person's criminal history. A pardon is when a government official 'forgives' a particular criminal offense, either because the individual was wrongfully convicted of the crime or the punishment was inappropriate.

The seven requirements to be eligible for this pardon are: At least 10 years have passed since you were either convicted of the crime, or released from a period of incarceration for that crime, if applicable. You have been conviction-free since that time. You have been convicted of a non-violent offense

Applying for Federal Clemency

To apply for a presidential pardon, one must first wait five years from the time your sentence is completed. You must then contact the federal government for a pardon application. With this application, you will need to draft a letter explaining why you think you are entitled to clemency.

​The government says that $631 is what it costs to process a pardon application.

Apply for pardon or clemency

Shorter Jail time Clemency pardon , immunity ,


Commutation Application | Pardon Application | Vietnam-Era Pardon Application


Policies: Posthumous Pardon Applications | Pardons for Misdemeanor Federal Convictions | Pardon Applications Submitted by Non-residents of the United States

To ensure the integrity and security of our electronic records, the Office of the Pardon Attorney will not accept encrypted digital media as part of or in supplement to an application for clemency. Such items will be destroyed upon receipt.


Federal Convictions Only

Under the Constitution, the President has the authority to commute, or reduce, a sentence imposed upon conviction of a federal offense, including for convictions adjudicated in the United States District Courts and the Superior Court of the District of Columbia.

The President cannot commute a sentence for a state criminal offense. Accordingly, if you are seeking clemency for a state criminal conviction, you should not complete and submit this petition. Instead, you should contact the Governor or other appropriate authorities of the state where the conviction occurred (e.g., the state board of pardons and paroles) to determine whether any relief is available to you under state law.

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Federal Convictions Only

Under the Constitution, the President has the authority to grant pardon for federal offenses, including those adjudicated in the United States District Courts, the Superior Court of the District of Columbia, and military courts-martial.

The President cannot pardon a state criminal offense. Accordingly, if you are seeking clemency for a state criminal conviction, you should not complete and submit this petition. Instead, you should contact the Governor or other appropriate authorities of the state where the conviction occurred (e.g., the state board of pardons and paroles) to determine whether any relief is available to you under state law.

Five Year Waiting Period

Under the Department's rules governing petitions for executive clemency, an applicant must satisfy a minimum waiting period of five years before he becomes eligible to apply for a presidential pardon of his federal conviction. The waiting period begins to run on the date of the petitioner's release from confinement. Alternatively, if the conviction resulted in a sentence that did not include any form of confinement, the waiting period begins on the date of sentencing.

A waiver of any portion of the waiting period is rarely granted and then only in the most exceptional circumstances. In order to request a waiver, you must complete the pardon application form and submit it with a letter explaining why you believe the waiting period should be waived in your case.

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President Carter, by Proclamation of January 21, 1977, pardoned certain persons who, during the Vietnam War era, violated the Military Selective Service Act by draft-evasion acts or omissions committed between August 4, 1964 and March 28, 1973. If you believe your conviction is covered by President Carter’s Proclamation and you can provide the required documentation from your criminal case that will enable us to verify that you are covered by the Proclamation, you may obtain an individual certificate of pardon evidencing the fact that this Pardon Proclamation applies to you.

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The Special Litigation Section works to protect the rights of people who are in prisons and jails run by state or local governments. If we find that a state or local government systematically deprives people in these facilities of their rights, we can act.

We use information from community members affected by civil rights violations to bring and pursue cases. The voice of the community is very important to us. We receive hundreds of reports of potential violations each week. We collect this information and it informs our case selection. We may sometimes use it as evidence in an existing case. However, we cannot bring a case based on every report we receive.

Description of the Laws We Use in Our Corrections Work

The Civil Rights of Institutionalized Persons Act (CRIPA), 42 U.S.C. § 1997a, allows the Attorney General to review conditions and practices within these institutions. Under CRIPA, we are not authorized to address issues with federal facilities or federal officials. We do not assist with individual problems, and we therefore cannot help you recover money damages or any other personal relief. We also cannot assist in criminal cases, including wrongful convictions, appeals or sentencing.

After a CRIPA investigation, we can act if we identify a systemic pattern or practice that causes harm. Evidence of harm to one individual only - even if that harm is serious - is not enough. If we find systemic problems, we may send the state or local government a letter that describes the problems and what says what steps they must take to fix them. We will try to reach an agreement with the state or local government on how to fix the problems. If we cannot agree, then the Attorney General may file a lawsuit in federal court.

In addition to actions under CRIPA, the Section may use the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994, 42 U.S.C. § 14141, to protect the rights of persons in the juvenile justice system.

Results of Our Corrections Work

Tens of thousands of institutionalized persons who were confined in dire, often life-threatening, conditions now receive adequate care and services because of this work. We currently have open CRIPA matters in more than half the states.

Our work includes many different kinds of activity. We speak with community stakeholders. We review and investigate complaints. We file lawsuits in federal court when necessary, and enforce orders we obtain from the courts. We participate in cases brought by private parties. We work closely with nationally renowned experts to provide training and technical assistance.

We work closely with other parts of the Justice Department and other federal agencies that regulate, fund, and provide technical assistance to state and local governments. We work with the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, the National Institute of Justice, the Bureau of Prisons, the United States Department of Education, the Department of Housing, and the United States Department of Health and Human Services. In addition, our staff serves on the Department's Health Care Fraud Working Group, the Prison Rape Elimination Working Group, and other task forces.


Witness immunity from prosecution occurs when a prosecutor grants immunity to a witness in exchange for testimony or production of other evidence. In the United States, the prosecution may grant immunity in one of two forms.

Qualified immunity is a legal doctrine in United States federal law that shields government officials from being sued for discretionary actions performed within their official capacity, unless their actions violated "clearly established" federal law or constitutional rights.

​A witness who refuses to testify after being given immunity can be held in contempt of court and subjected to fines and jail time. ... That said, once the prosecution has granted immunity, it's limited in how it can use that testimony in the future

Legal immunity. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Legal immunity, or immunity from prosecution, is a legal status wherein an individual or entity cannot be held liable for a violation of the law, in order to facilitate societal aims that outweigh the value of imposing liability in such cases.

New Law Study Reveals Illegal Rent Hikes in Manhattan and Brooklyn Qu NYC effected and Numerous other State in America formally US

Dear [Journalist],

A newly released Law study has unveiled alarming findings regarding illegal rent hikes across Manhattan and Brooklyn LI Syracuse Buffalo Upstate all Borough effected and several other states rent returns since the 1930 are given back in local state courts "No case mean no trail or court appearance needed follow the forms of no case the 3rd room court deposit rent from your first apartment paid also current housing authority projects over 30% of income 1 income reported excpted the law rent returned . SSD SSI Cash assistants Housing apt shelter program ask for more than $50 SSA and Welfare mail rent directly to housing programs and shelters $400 weekly cash assistance or more ebt start $50 the Law Shelter housing programs apt programs can ask monthly can ask for rent Returned in court Housing court same day 3rd room . According to the study, a significant number of landlords have been implementing unjustifiable fees based on construction grade, resulting in exorbitant monthly rents. Notably, prime locations such as Columbus Circle, Park Ave South, and 59th St -100 street have seen some of the highest increases.

This revelation sheds light on the pressing issues of housing affordability and tenant rights in NYC. I thought you would be interested in reporting on this timely topic that directly affects your readership. Would you be available for a brief phone call or interview to discuss this further?

Thank you for considering covering this important issue.

Best regards,
[RJI Eminient Lawyer Firm by America 🇺🇸King]

Affordable Housing Construction Determines Legal Rent Hike in Manhattan and Brooklyn


Affordable Housing Construction Determines Legal Rent Hike in Manhattan and Brooklyn

New York City, NY - February 12, 2022 - In a landmark decision, it has been determined that the rent hike in Manhattan and Brooklyn was illegal due to excessive fees charged by landlords. This decision follows an investigation into rental practices, especially regarding the construction grade of buildings and the affordability of housing. The investigation revealed that landlords were charging rents far beyond the legally allowable amount for affordable housing.

Under New York City regulations, rent for affordable housing is determined by the construction grade of the building. Construction grade refers to the quality of materials and workmanship used in the building's construction. The higher the construction grade, the higher the maximum allowable rent.

However, it was discovered that several landlords were manipulating the construction grade of their buildings to charge higher rents. This widespread illegal practice has contributed to the skyrocketing rental prices in Manhattan and Brooklyn, making it increasingly difficult for low-income individuals and families to find affordable housing.

The investigation, led by the Department of Housing Preservation and Development (HPD), identified numerous properties where the monthly rent or lease exceeded the legally allowable amount. These properties were concentrated in popular neighborhoods such as Columbus Circle, Park Avenue South, and 59th Street, as well as many other areas throughout Manhattan and Brooklyn.

HPD officials have announced that enforcement actions will be taken against landlords found to be in violation of the rent regulation laws. These actions may include fines, restitution to tenants, and possible revocation of rental licenses.

Moving forward, the HPD is working to strengthen the regulations and oversight surrounding the determination of affordable housing rent. This includes implementing stricter guidelines for the classification of construction grades and conducting regular audits to prevent illegal rent hikes.

The city government is committed to ensuring that all residents have access to safe and affordable housing. By cracking down on illegal rent hikes and ensuring compliance with the law, authorities aim to create a fair and equitable rental market for all New Yorkers.

For further information, please contact the Department of Housing Preservation and Development (HPD).


About the Department of Housing Preservation and Development (HPD)

The Department of Housing Preservation and Development (HPD) is responsible for enforcing the city's housing laws and ensuring that all New Yorkers have access to safe and affordable housing. HPD works to create and preserve affordable housing and enforce housing quality standards. Through various programs and initiatives, HPD strives to make New York City a more livable and inclusive place for all residents.


I vowed not to charge rent since 2018 5yrs to no tenants not including storefronts commercial industrial retail etc .Tenants only lived rent free with the return of every fee with every all any month rent payment returned infull paid to tenants before court proven owner ship 2018 lawsuit 0101396-2018

Rent hike in Manhattan Brooklyn entire NYC were illegally fees
Construction Grade determine monthly rent or lease

$1600 even on Columbus Circle ,Park ave south Park ave 59th - 100 12ave to 1st is the most you charge rent is for 3-7 bedrooms for Affordable Grade in construction .

30% Low-income, $1600 3-7 bedrooms Affordable Houses, Luxury, Lavish, Royal Grade , Edifos

So in Manhattan when you paid 5k 10k or some 15k u need to see if its Graded Affordable

Premium are illegal to charge online read more numerous articles reports Premiums were always illegal in government to charge
Us government had ask for tips money as "Stipend" Royal Commission Government rules laws are different Government employees can receive tip donations like outsourcing to local companys buying for Louis Vuitton for shelters or Mighty Quinn's at Ebt all day staff eat after client rule Commissioners and Staff offices redirected all deliveries to Commissioner office ans employees offices only and ebt office with out food for 7 months report to FJC helped steal they didnt konw where thay stuff go who paid for what or touch someshit at a Job said they aint know who sent this who stuff Infield Tryed a capitol offense we suppose to fell sorry for them .


Rent fraud List of Laws
Capitalizing Law more than 4 times the unit price

$1600 From 10k is almost $6400 each month you would of saved or burned or had every month $6400 to spend with family or live the big Manhattan life suck and fuck ass naked druck on $500 wine Mediam body its was yours extra every month juggling to find what check in this month I pay 10k 5k and you had $6400 every month in Brooklyn Eastern parkway Brownville Brooklyn Bronx Coo corse apt Park ave or South Coloumbus 59th - 100 street Manhattan 15 buildings are coded Luxury $50-$150 fixtures (Lighten electric plugs )by Law .

In your local Downtown court buildings is the Housing court its "Not even a case ,Not a case) By the 3rd room following directions handed to you when you get the Not acase letter no court needed not trial .Rent reality laws every fee payment and Rent paud must be deposited befor they ask or when tenant ask or its withholding double the amount Law ingenious they say any thing amd do not return. Courts 3rd room deposit in you bank account befor leaving just get all you old address Housing authority projects apt not 30% Low-income in you hood project in Housing returned by Housing courts in process of 3 different forms 3 different room .

Listen to the most recent episode of my podcast: Housing Get Rent Back in America and Around the world

International military tribunal


Allied international Force

Royal Commission Government

Jails prison and detaining center in unlisted areas .

Transfer your any state jail , prison , time or from prison like Rikers Island transfer to our AIF Tribunals & Royal Commission Government Corrections Dentention Center Or Other sides like IAF Tribunal are for Preternatural and Purgatory also .

Correction's Detention Center at AIF tribunals Department :

Weekend visits outdoor : Two day on site Visiting release on the weekend .

Weekday visits are allowed Following the visiting hours .

Any clothing allowed

Commissary & essentials sold at AIF Tribunals : Clothes


100% Organic Marijuana

100% Organic Legal Herion , Dope , Cocaine , Extacy .


Classes , Group's for shorter Jail time .

Cell phones , tablets , Laptops allowed

Job's to earn and keep for release and also able to use for comosary . Entire different side of the Jail is Preternatural Department

Preternatural Department has no rights by law : Synonyms for preternatural












adjgreatly exceeding or departing

1 : Phone call a day 1 hour only of phone calls only privilege not a right Awaiting Execution During Grusom Interrogation .


Purgatory from Heaven :

For Preternatural synonyms Demon , Dishonorable Warriors , Dishonorable , Angels chief or 😈

arch , Dishonorable Historic figures , registered at the Medical Examiner office in all country .

For fugitives , indigenous creatures , Preternatural .

What is the difference between purgatory and heaven?

Purgatory is a temporary and transitional place, a concept of later origin than heaven and hell, in which the dead, through punishments similar to those in hell, are purged of lesser sins before release into paradise and heaven .

Purgatory, the condition, process, or place of purification or temporary punishment in which, according to medieval Christian and Roman Catholic belief, the souls of those who die in a state of grace are made ready for heaven.


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Lil Gliter we'd High potentency weed a 1/2 of a 1/2 of a nichel of High potency needed mix with clips on off the ground with grabba A Glit is all Raw Connings Day . A Glitter is 1 blue Red Yellow or Tweeded a Glitter

Owner of High potency weed "Disney" . Disney regular Quaters the other G. On the scale dry weed weight grade A .Disney exotic  ,Disney exotic chronic , Disney Exotic Rasberry, a diff weed "Rasberry" & Rasberry chronic Are exotic also Cig put Dro Hydro and dri dro back on the street Fat catz stole from my farm under water with Lil Haiti "Week Dro" Flavors of age weed 10 diff regular grade A weed Quaters on the Other On the scale Dry weed Cali tip the scale with High potency $15 eights grade A high potency not exotic but Bag up $45 minimum . Designer limited were seeds Fat Cat toss seeds in the ocean to grow weed the weed grew intertwine colors and flavors we never can present it for years Fat catz sold K2 as Designer on the street if You got Hit Last Year Designer limited was dedicated to Fat Cats Vould to bring th 1980's back in 2022 coming out of jail as a informants Rat 'Lived 9 hours escaled of jail Bringing the 80s back in a Fubu bagga fit jacket and 1987 Kawasaki ninja in 2022 Fat cats was Murderd in less than 9 hours bromging the 80s back High potency in Dispensary R & R 3 train ruland or Manhattan ave and 22nd street $15 8th with Pre-roll free with purchase 56th and 7th Subirds Hold it down ...w $25  8th $25 7 g regs go up only 2.0,,5.0,6.0 max
Glitter Come from dirt ....


40 new Hight potency in stores

"Cake, Cape Vape also by Witney Cake 🎂 🎂 Cake 🎂 Cake

Eve Rapper "Fairy Dust"

Emma June "Flavors of Mermaid 🧜‍♀️ "

Amplified By Amplified Formally of 28th of 34th street Dispensary Amplified taste potency etc "Process to weed" Amplify a 2.0 get the back of your hand smack 

Amplified 6.0 I can't feel my legs 

Weed laws Nyc
Marijuana Enforcement

What You Should Know

On August 28, 2019, marijuana laws in New York State changed. The NYPD encourages all New Yorkers to know and understand the law.

Possessing any amount of marijuana is still illegal. However, under the new law, penalties have changed.

Here are the key takeaways:

Possession of small amounts of marijuana, up to and including two ounces, is now considered a violation;

Possessing over two ounces is still a misdemeanor.

In short, the amount of marijuana a person has in their possession dictates whether or not police impose criminal charges — whether or not a person consumes it in public is no longer relevant.


Under the new marijuana law, officers issue criminal court summonses instead of making arrests, in most situations. However, if a person possesses over two ounces of marijuana, they are subject to arrest.

There are certain situations in which a person who has less than two ounces of marijuana could be arrested. For example, if the subject:

Cannot be properly identified;

Has an outstanding misdemeanor or felony warrant.

Driving Under the Influence

As a matter of public safety, officers are empowered to arrest people they believe are driving under the influence of marijuana, once they have established probable cause. When officers make this determination, they consider several different factors, including:

The defendant's condition, appearance, balance, coordination, and manner of speech;

Whether an odor of marijuana is coming from the suspect's vehicle, and;

The manner in which the suspect operated the vehicle.

It is dangerous and illegal to operate a vehicle while under the influence of marijuana, in any context.



Allied International Force

Royal Commission


America Formerly United States 

Your State-by-State Guide to Cannabis Cultivation Business Application and Licensing Fees

Finding out what any particular state is charging prospective cannabis growers to get into the business can be daunting at times.


SUBSCRIBEFebruary 28, 2019

Noelle Skodzinski

Business and finance Compliance Dispensary News Legislation and regulation Medical Cannabis News Trending Stories

Finding out what any particular state is charging prospective cannabis growers to get into the business can be daunting at times. Some states make their fees easy to find and easy to digest. Others can take some time digging through page after page on various websites.

Note, too, that some states are not always accepting any new marijuana cultivation business license applications. Those windows of availability open and close at different times in each state.

With that, here are the cultivation business application and licensing fees for the 33 states that allow medical cannabis and, in some cases, adult-use cannabis businesses. We will update this post as fee structures change in U.S. state-regulated markets; let us know what additional application and licensing information you'd like to see on this post.

RELATED: Interactive Marijuana Legislation Map

Editor's note: This post was originally published in 2015. It was last updated in February 2019.

jim belushi cannabis conference


New application fee: $1,000

Standard cultivation facility license: $5,000

Limited cultivation facility license (500 square feet or less): $1,000

Product manufacturing facility license: $1,000

Concentrate manufacturing facility license: $1,000



Application fee: $5,000 ($1,000 of which is refundable)

Initial registration fee: $5,000

Annual registration renewal fee: $1,000

In Arizona, medical marijuana nonprofit dispensary licensees are permitted to grow marijuana.



Annual cultivation license fee: $100,000

Performance bond: $500,000



Annual license application fees:

Specialty Cottage Outdoor $135

Specialty Cottage Indoor $205

Specialty Cottage Mixed-Light Tier 1 $340

Specialty Cottage Mixed-Light Tier 2 $580

Specialty Outdoor $270

Specialty Indoor $2,170

Specialty Mixed-Light Tier 1 $655

Specialty Mixed-Light Tier 2 $1,125

Small Outdoor $535

Small Indoor $3,935

Small Mixed-Light Tier 1 $1,310

Small Mixed-Light Tier 2 $2,250

Medium Outdoor $1,555

Medium Indoor $8,655

Medium Mixed-Light Tier 1 $2,885

Medium Mixed-Light Tier 2 $4,945

Nursery $520

Processor $1,040

Annual license fees:

Specialty Cottage Outdoor $1,205

Specialty Cottage Indoor $1,830

Specialty Cottage Mixed-Light Tier 1 $3,035

Specialty Cottage Mixed-Light Tier 2 $5,200

Specialty Outdoor $2,410

Specialty Indoor $19,540

Specialty Mixed-Light Tier 1 $5,900

Specialty Mixed-Light Tier 2 $10,120

Small Outdoor $4,820

Small Indoor $35,410

Small Mixed-Light Tier 1 $11,800

Small Mixed-Light Tier 2 $20,235

Medium Outdoor $13,990

Medium Indoor $77,905

Medium Mixed-Light Tier 1 $25,970

Medium Mixed-Light Tier 2 $44,517

Nursery $4,685

Processor $9,370



New application fee: $4,000

New application for converting medical cultivation facility to adult-use: $1,750

Annual renewal fee (1,801 to 3,600 plants): $1,100

Annual renewal fee (3,601 to 6,000 plants): $1,800

Annual renewal fee (6,001 to 10,200 plants): $3,300

Annual renewal fee (10,201 to 13,800 plants): $5,300



Initial application fee: $25,000

Cultivation license registration fee: $75,000

Annual cultivation license renewal fee: $75,000



Application fee: $5,000

Certification fee: $40,000 (paid every two years)



Application fee: $60,830

In Florida, medical marijuana treatment centers (MMTCs) are authorized to cultivate, process, transport and dispense medical marijuana. A “supplemental licensing fee” of $174,844 was rescinded in 2018.



Application fee: $5,000

Annual licensing fee: $75,000

In Hawaii, medical marijuana dispensary licensees are permitted to grow, process, transport and dispense marijuana. The state does not offer a cultivation license.



Application fee: $25,000

Annual cultivation license fee: $100,000



No cultivation licensing process. Two cannabis companies have successfully placed bids for growing permits awarded to Southern University and Louisiana State University.



Application fee: $300 per patient (caregiver model)

Annual cultivation license fee: $300 per patient



Application fee: $6,000

Annual cultivation license fee: $125,000






State license application fee: $6,000

Class A license fee (500 plants): $150,000

Class B license fee (1,000 plants): $300,000

Class C license fee (1,500 plants): $500,000

Processor license fee: $300,000



Application fee: $20,000

Minnesota requires vertical integration, and has thus far licensed two companies.



Cultivation license application fee: $10,000

Missouri began accepting medical marijuana business license applications in January 2019.

Read more about Missouri's medical marijuana industry regulations from Reynolds and Gold here.



Annual caregiver license fee (up to 10 patients): $1,000

Annual caregiver license fee (11-49 patients): $2,500

Annual caregiver license fee (50 or more patients): $5,000



Application fee: $5,000

Annual license fee: $30,000


New Hampshire

Application fee: $3,000

Annual licensing fee: $40,000 or $80,000 (depending on geographic area)

In New Hampshire, alternative treatment centers (ATCs) are authorizing to grow, process and dispense medical marijuana.


New Jersey

Application fee: $20,000 ($18,000 refundable to unsuccessful applicants)

In New Jersey, alternative treatment centers (ATCs) are authorizing to grow, process and dispense medical marijuana. The state has licensed six ATCs as of February 2019.


New Mexico

Application fee: $10,000 ($9,000 refundable to unsuccessful applicants)

Annual license fee: $30,000 for first 150 plants, and $10,000 for each additional 50 plants (up to a 450-plant limit)


New York

Application fee: $10,000

Initial registration fee; $200,000


North Dakota

Application fee: $5,000

Annual licensing fee: $110,000



Application fee: $2,000 (up to 3,000 square feet of cultivation area), $20,000 (up to 25,000 square feet of cultivation area)

Initial license fee: $18,000, $180,000

Annual license renewal fee: $20,000, $200,000



Application fee: $2,500



Application fee: $250

Annual licensing fees:

Micro Tier I - $1,000

Micro Tier II $2,000

Tier I $3,750

Tier II $5,750

Medical Canopy: $100



Application fee (nonrefundable): $10,000

Application fee (refundable if application is not successful): $200,000

Annual license renewal fee: $10,000

Proof of funds: $2 million, with $500,000 liquid in applicant’s bank account


Rhode Island

Application fee: $5,000

Annual license fee:

Micro-license (up to 2,500 square feet): $5,000

Class A (2,501 to 5,000 square feet): $20,000

Class B (5,001 to 10,000 square feet): $35,000

Class C (10,0001 to 15,000 square feet): $50,000

Class D (15,001 to 20,000 square feet) $80,000




Application fee: $500



No regulated licensing structure.



Application fee: $250

Annual license fee (Tier 1, 2, 3): $1,480


West Virginia

Application fee: $5,000

Annual license fee: $50,000

Compliance with Legal Cannabis Regulations

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Arcadia Biosciences Announces New Business Unit Dedicated to Cannabis

With Arcadia Specialty Genomics, the company is dedicating a strategic business unit to the optimization and standardization of cannabis plant content.


SUBSCRIBEFebruary 28, 2019

Press Release

Business and finance News State by State: California Vendor News

DAVIS, Calif.­­(BUSINESS WIRE)­­ Arcadia Biosciences, Inc., an agricultural food ingredient company, today announced the company will apply its expertise to a new crop: cannabis. With the establishment of Arcadia Specialty Genomics™, the company is dedicating a strategic business unit to the optimization and standardization of cannabis plant content, quality, climate resiliency and yield. Arcadia Specialty Genomics intends to conduct its business only in federal and state markets in which its activities are legal.

With a 15­-year track record of agricultural innovation, Arcadia Biosciences has brought new and beneficial crop traits to market through its advanced, proprietary approach to plant breeding and gene editing. With products such as GoodWheat™ flour and SONOVA® GLA safflower, the company develops high­-value food ingredients and nutritional oils that meet consumer demands and improve crop outcomes for farmers. Now, the company will apply its expertise to the burgeoning cannabis industry, with an initial focus on the hemp market.

Chief Financial Officer Matt Plavan has been appointed president of Arcadia Specialty Genomics.

“Within the rapidly growing legal cannabis industry, we see enormous opportunity in – and demand for – improved plant quality, productivity, consistency and resilience,” said Raj Ketkar, president and CEO of Arcadia Biosciences. “With this new operating unit, Arcadia Specialty Genomics, we are uniquely qualified as a proven crop improvement company equipped to address the legacy challenges facing a plant that until recently was largely grown unlawfully.” Ketkar added, “I can think of no one better than Matt Plavan, an industry veteran with a track record of leading transformational market pivots, to lead our new strategic business unit.”

The recent passage of the U.S. Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018 – also known as the Farm Bill – confirmed the federal legalization of hemp, the term given to non­psychoactive cannabis containing less than 0.3% tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). It also included provisions for legalizing on a federal level hemp’s cultivation, transport and sale for the first time in more than 75 years. Hemp, previously considered a Schedule 1 drug and banned as an agricultural crop, lacks substantive plant biology research and suffers from sub-optimal genetics, highly fragmented germplasm and rampant inconsistencies.

According to Plavan, hemp’s newly legal status creates significant market opportunities for a company known for its agronomic excellence. “As we’ve evolved from an agricultural trait provider to a functional ingredient seller, we’ve developed capabilities and partnerships which will drive innovation and growth in hemp­-derived oils such as CBD and other functional plant properties. As with our wheat and soybean products, we will create hemp-­based solutions that allow farmers to be more productive and enable consumer packaged goods companies to differentiate their brands in the marketplace.”

The Hemp Business Journal estimates that the hemp CBD market totaled $190 million in 2018 – an astounding rate of growth for a category that didn’t exist five years ago. By 2022, the Brightfield Group, a cannabis and CBD market research firm, projects sales to reach $22 billion.

Arcadia Specialty Genomics will develop novel cannabis varieties possessing productivity, pest resistance and crop quality traits for license to cultivators, and for products serving the nutraceutical and food industries. These developments are made possible through a proprietary approach combining conventional breeding, Arcadia’s advanced screening and breeding technology known as TILLING and gene editing. Through this process, plant populations carrying desirable, high-­value genetic characteristics are identified, isolated and bred to reproduce.

“Our ability to bring innovative traits to the market for some of the most complex plant genomes is unparalleled, and we’re excited to turn our attention and expertise to the critical needs facing the rapidly evolving cannabis industry,” said Plavan. “Our near­-term focus will be acquiring federal and state licensure in key geographies to launch our research and pilot programs, for which we expect to begin operations in early 2019. In parallel, we are evaluating key partnerships to extend our capabilities vertically, maximize shareholder value and establish Arcadia Specialty Genomics as the leading science-driven company and genetics innovator for cannabis.


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Royal 👑 Commission Government




A world government form



Protected By AIFMilitary




Government General Kevin Lee

The First President of the Royal 👑 Commission Government
Supreme Commander King Kev America 🇺🇸 King



~Unsupress Already in effect for 3 years~






》Homeless Deficit Over With Lavish Luxury Royal Grade Low-income housing Gotti & Rapper M.a 🏢 Buildings in ICL Camba 1 day Same day intake at any building 30% off of your income Apartments housing program

》1 Day Pregnancy 🤰 only birthing Process in all hospital 3 years MANDATORY

》Harlem Kitchen kitchen, Father Lee foundation, BrotherHood Better living Programs PDF for All ages Seniors to 2 3year old Mother Father in Jail or Drug addicted paid room and college .
With everyday allowance Weekend club allowance .
Jobs orientation and interview Trade and military training.

》Public school students supplies equipment every desk has computers new ciriculim text books desk replaced with Digital learning paid for in full

》Royal 👑 Commission Government
Buy full price from these companies for government shelter pantrys etc .
》Ralph Lauren Jon Lauren Apperal Approv Jeans Banana Republic Supadry Tacomba Pret Murray's Bagels Craft & Barrell Louis Vuitton Nike Eco Kobo Sephora Chanel MCM


Royal Commission Government


Protected By AIFMilitary Allied International Force

Thier no Government shut down the U.s gov admits they shut down weeks ago mimorando since 2019 prove they were not a government and all accounts and funding process have been taken away from Mayor's Governor Comptroller and US congress politics and Feds . All dept. Payroll and Welfare will presume as normal .Nypd or Us police department are the only dept unpaid indifianace of law .Royal Commission Police are in every state town and Bourgh plain clothes on 911 call Tailing False us police on your call who get their first .

The Royal Commission Commission Government in effect since 2019 .Proper mimorando memorandum memorando mandates submitted to database in all industry's even free supplies and equipment for your business learn and understand more with any state town or country Free this year United Nations tour .Where you.can see Royal commission government payroll to all Government agency's now in every conteninent Theirs Ssi , Gov. Retirement , EBT Cash assistants Medicare in every country samtimigo ,West Indies Ireland Mexico ,Free lightning bill in every country purchasing and installed the world's largest Country lighting board that covers the high voltage of a black out with 1 2 I'm every every country installed .The old Myth The government supposed to run on air money Granny crazy story was true a expendable account process we have already . Global Revamp Plan Train station in every country installed already World's most advanced seweage system started to be installed in every country 10 year installation time in some country's Mountain with caves ions dens masons he's lots and dunguen where celebs hide with Speeding ticket warrants Flattened around the world Jail reform Plan all state jail buildings replaced a 5 years Project started .New Currencies and dinomination in bank accounts already Zillion and Illion set in all online and commercial bank accounts 3 years Mint slip easy vetting for your Real able to use in bank deposit as cash instantly 1million Dollar bill Free 1million dollar Black Gold Quarter The $1000 bill and the Citizens fan request of $30 bill able to get a free at the currrencie government office online mail the form off website get Millions free deposit same day at any bank Bank tellers schools updated do 3 years . Homelessness deficits rate abolished Apt. Housing Program ICL Institute for Community Living Make enough Apt. With 5k -9k apt in a building Family and single apt coded for.low income Royal Grade Lavish Luxury apt with Recreation Pools game rooms in Building Intake at any Gotti Houses Rapper Ma Building Camba Building same day intake a Building up and intake in your community around the world now . So amid is not a law or Process a Government has been in America now with no more city's Just Terrorial States Like Nebraska Indiana Jersey keeping the heritage of America registered stance by the People century's ago .Land Of the Free Home of The Brave Royal Commission serves every country Bounty Database set plain cloths for now Royal Commission Police in Every state town and country patrol sweeps are illegal in law enforcement Law enforcement are taught trained to combat crime which led to the threat of senseless crime at a stand still because of the threat the imagery Nypd uniform brings to the Citizen eye . Nypd are the only Dept. With no pay hikes ,Job by college and last salary set at a government Job . Now a government job can be a million dollar salary for a Judge . By Law a government can outsource so The Royal Commission Purchased from Ralph Lauren , Approve Jeans , Public Rec , Jon Lauren Apperal ,Bamabaas socks ,Channel products Supadry ,Tacomba, Sephora , Nike Louis Vuitton etc for all Government Shelter pantry soup kitchens Etc



United States Government is abolish indefinitely since 2019 filed by U.K parliament and Granted by the
Government General Kevin Lee . All Dept. Payrolls funding now come from The Royal Commission
Government a world government form registered with International government office . U.S.Police
departments are closing in all states imploding all state building because of inforstructure , damage ,
liens the Gov. never repaired even stopping state inspections from taking place under previous
administrations leading to not recording damage in state buildings , curosion , bed bugs in the wall ,
crumbling walls and ceilings , steel in every state , city buildings bars in Jails and precincts , MTA
turnstiles and payment machines made from moltensteel a illegal form of steel which ingriedance
was a mixture of the street top drugs burned together to make steel moltensteel only sold by the
United States Government , Congress , and politics and confiscated drugs picked up from precinct
evidence room by Federal System investigated by Fordam Law school all over the U.S. found in
reports online in states like Ohio drugs picked up by Feds . U.S. police department is now replaced by
the Royal Commission police and cops in all states in America . The new government that funds every
country poverty rural nieghborhoops even to local soup kitchens , payroll for government jobs etc .
The formal government review is coming up where Royal Commission Government and Allied Powers
and there International Force will visit the White house for the formal live TV program showing

ending of Politics, United States Government, Federal System and Congress filed in the United
National .
All news and press story's involving U.S. or United States government or fraudulent Federal
government , Federal system , federal courts must immediately be changed to Royal Commission
Government a world government the only government in America . Royal Commission now paying all
salary to all government personel and officials ever funded by U.S. government are now transfered to
the Royal Commission Government even Welfare , snap , ebt has been changed sighting the increase
growing by good deed purchase by Kevin Lee & the Government General train station fully paid for
being installed now in every country , biolers and remodeling repairs in all housing authority projects
in America formally the United States , public school buildings repaired and updates etc purchased by
the President of Royal Commission Government Kevin Lee who is Allied international force Supreme
commander which is associated with Tuskegee Airforce and The Black Pioneers , Black Collectives
where Kevin Lee is Commander and Founder .
Found in the United Nations
For 3 years the U.S. government , Federal systems , Politics and Congress has been abolish
indefinitely filed by U.K Parliament and signed and granted by Gov.General Kevin Lee so story's using (
U.S. gov United States government , United States of America , Federal systems , Politics , Congress ,
Bipartisan Congress are all illegal on news , press channels and newswire etc , Lawsuit's will be filed ,
Press website and newswires will and can be siezed immediately , Live and Daily news can and will
receive dead air if facts are ignored .
The end of the Anyltical war with politics and Holy war against mass rape with the execution of
Osama Bin Laden , Quasimodo , Saddam Hussein , and Issis (Malcolm Leader name) and the signing
of Sanctions to the end of the holy war with tactics of mass rape is William Alfred Martin and Barack
Hussein Obama .
The end of the Anyltical war recovery stage is now in effect the United States Government fraudulent
activity to the American people led to over 600 million Americans receiving lost and stolen money
withheld by the courts & police department and other Gov. Officials , investments were also returned
to investigated proof of owners of funds , police conjunctions are the one team in the recovery stage
of the war and missions . Will and estate fraud are another team and who's working on private
businesses that galch payroll , never paid salary or proper salary or pay proper according to the
contract agreed or matching there previous salary . So every day Americans also people across the
world are getting money deposited in to bank accounts from old jobs who didn't let you take lunch or
lawyer or accountant galch or pinch money from paychecks , your inheritance was not given to you
properly or handed to you at the funeral . The American pride scheme let police and fraudulent
probate lawyers for decades give for decades lied about Will & Estate , probate law . Some say you
can present a letter as your dieing wish to claim a will or estate which is false if no Will of Estate is
filed which has to be followed to the tea and only handed to the Executor on the willor jail time and
forfeit your inheritance .If no Will of estate is filed by law in every state the business , funds , property


Law updates are in effect now since 2022 law status ,sentencing in all states ,court and gov.
Guidelines , procedures and processes has changed and updated . The rules and policys of politics
and the United States Government no longer apply to society America and their citizens . Like no
smoking indoors it's law smoking is permitted indoors building can make no smoking policy but must
make a disernated someking area in inpatient and detained jail or prison center . No more common
wealth states for 2 years same sentence and arraignment process 24hrs from 3 days central booking
process in city's till some commonwealth states it was 2 weeks till arraignment to get a court date for
trail , time served or a contest in the case . Marijuana is legal to smoke indoors or out door s at any
time of the day since 2020 . Marijuana has been legal to sale since the 1970 with a gov. Weed license
for $500 or wholesale $1000 . Thousands of other updates properly implemented at the top of the
year in mimorando the top of the year submitted to all government officials ,offices ,police , justice
,courts etc from the Royal Commission Government coming directly from the International
government office .

Holy war and Anyltical
With everyone signed or killed "spills of war" like Osama Bin Laden , Quasimodo, Saddam Hussein ,
Barrack Hussein Obama , Pas a rape William Alfred Martin , Issis Mohammed and the fraudulent
Sunni Muslims 500 members of the some 1- 115th congress Former Queen Elizabeth II with pledges
of government distruction , terror and mass rape for 100 years over May Day May .
Also Supreme Commander Lee ended the Anyltical war on politics and Congress with 2-3
documentary's , A book "Reincarnegro" in all bookstores Paperback , Ebook and Audio form the book
that grossed over 10 billion dollars I sales in 2 years "REINCARNEGRO" We the black Royals Gov.
Review" to alert society what the Government did also to end the Anyltical war Singned and granted
that the United States Government , Federal System , Politics & Congress are abolished indefinitely out
the world filed in the United Nations . We find out United States Government who used politics to
serve the people frauded society and citizens for 2000 yrs .The Recovery stage in Anyltical war have 3
sets of Forensic teams with whole businesses working under them contracted by Royal Commission
Government and Allied International Force 1) Dept. is Will and Estate fraud by the Gov. And police of
the U.s. gov ,2) World garnish 60 hundred million people are getting money returned every day from
Investments , Conjunctions (Like a Lawsuits at the time of arrest) Lawsuit money paid to the courts to
hand to person with relief in the case or out of court the process . Up into the 1970 United States
Government policy was to hand the money payment or garnishment to the precinct , court or police
officer . Also business fraud by lawyers during employment at 1000 of companies are being
Forensiced if the job didn't give you lunch they may transfer the hourly wage for lunch for all the days
not offered by job private or government who didn't offer lunch .If proper salary wasn't paid for the
position or matching your previous job salary starting you can receive a bank transfer with the
explanation as a investigation in email and bank memo or $20 a week was missing for 10 years will
be returned from 17 pages of companies won in court now the proper owner lawyers are looking over .
and Forensiced old bank accounts of companies like McDonald's , Ford , Microsoft , AT& T , Mighty
Quinn's , Universal Music Group & Universal Pictures , Sony , Def Jam Recordings and hundreds more .
Section 2
Retire early not early retirement .
Retire Automatically today Retirement from the United States government now with the New
retirement plan the Royal Commission Government has and your time on the United States
Government counts 10 years consecutive or 12 years with 3 years or more not active at work call you
local Government Human resources office for details today .