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How were black soldiers treated?

Even when integrated into fairly progressive camps, black soldiers were often treated badly and sometimes went for long periods without proper clothing. There were also reports of blacks receiving old Civil War uniforms and being forced to sleep outside in pitched tents instead of warmer, sturdier barracks .

Black regiments were commonly issued inferior equipment and were sometimes given inadequate medical treatment in racially segregated hospitals. African-American troops were paid less than white soldiers.

How were African American soldiers treated in the Confederate Army?

Some black Southerners aided the Confederacy. Most of these were forced to accompany their masters or were forced to toil behind the lines. Black men were not legally allowed to serve as combat soldiers in the Confederate Army--they were cooks, teamsters, and manual laborers.

Their enlistment rate was high, as was their desire to serve on the front lines. However military leaders believed that African-Americans did not have the physical, mental or moral character to withstand warfare and they were commonly relegated to labor-intensive service positions. The majority saw little combat.

How were black troops treated in the US during ww1?
Blacks were able to serve in all branches of the Army except for the aviation units. The government made no provision for military training of black officers and soon created segregated training camps for that purpose. Disheartened, blacks protested against this discriminatory practice.


Were black soldiers treated better in Europe?
Delmont says that Black troops sent to Europe during the war often found that they were treated better there than they were at home. After the war, Black veterans were largely left out of the benefits created by the G.I. Bill of 1944.





The term "veteran" means a person who served in the active military, naval, or air service, and who was discharged or released therefrom under conditions other than dishonorable.

What are the 4 types of veterans?

The 4 types of veterans are federally protected veterans (which includes disabled veterans, recently separated veterans, campaign badge veterans, and Armed Forces Service Medal veterans), retired veterans (which includes those who have served at least 20 years and those who are medically retired), combat veterans .

Female A1 training Commandant
Female What is a commandant in the military?
One name for a commanding military officer is a commandant. In the miltary, a female or commandant is typically in charge of a military school or training facility. Many English-speaking militaries use the word commandant in various ways — in Ireland, for example, a commandant in the Army is the same as a major.

Commander A1 Training Male
What is the definition of a commander in the Army?
countable noun & title noun. A commander is an officer in charge of a military operation or organization.

Some Duty of Commanders "Commanders don't Shoot Guns no more "

What are duties of a commander?

Company Commander Duties & Responsibilities
# 1: Mission Planning. As the Company Commander, you write the OPORDs and plan all future missions. ...
# 2: Sharing Your Vision. ...
# 3: Establish Priorities. ...
# 4: Establish Policies & Procedures. ...
# 5: Collective Training. ...
# 6: Property Accountability. ...
# 7: Morale. ...
# 8: Unit Readiness.



What does vet mean in war?
someone who has been in the armed forces during a war: a Vietnam veteran. the surviving veterans of World War II.

What is a retired Army vet?
Anyone who served in the military is a military veteran, but only someone who spent 20 years in the services or was honorably discharged due to a physical disability is a retired military vet .

What is the highest paid rank in the military?
O-10. This is the highest pay grade and once a military officer achieves a four-star rank of general or admiral, they no longer receive pay increases, regardless of their time in service.

What rank should you be at 8 years in army?
Sergeant first class (E-7) -- six years. Master sergeant/first sergeant (E-8) -- eight years. Sergeant major (E-9) -- nine years.


What are the 7 other non main branches of the military?
Each offers unique jobs, benefits, and time-commitment options that give you the flexibility to live the life you want.
Army. Army Reserve. Army National Guard.
Marine Corps. Marine Corps Reserve.
Navy. Navy Reserve.
Air Force. Air Force Reserve. Air National Guard.
Space Force.
Coast Guard. Coast Guard Reserve.


What are black ops groups?
A black operation or black op is a covert or clandestine operation by a government agency, a military unit or a paramilitary organization; it can include activities by private companies or groups. Key features of a black operation are that it is secret and it is not attributable to the organization carrying it out.

Spec OPS are missions requiring special forces units or Units from Special Operation Forces, they are secret and the general public will not know about them. Black OPS are usually similar in nature but the difference is usually only the people envloved know about it and they aren't always carried out by the SF and SOF.


SOG is considered the most secretive special operations force within the United States, with fewer than 100 operators. The group generally recruits personnel from special mission units within the U.S. Special Operations community.

What war is Black Ops 1 based on?

the Cold War
Set in the 1960s during the Cold War, the game's single-player campaign follows CIA operative Alex Mason as he attempts to recall specific memories in order to locate a numbers station set to instruct Soviet sleeper agents to deploy chemical weapons across the United States.

The CIA are also featured in Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War, acting as the main protagonists through the game. Previously seen operatives Alex Mason, Jason Hudson, and Frank Woods are active in 1981, with the addition of agent Russell Adler and operative "Bell" as they attempt to stop the Soviet spy Perseus.

What were elite soldiers called?
Each branch of the U.S. Armed Forces has its own elite forces in addition to their regular enlisted units. The Army's Special Operations units include the Rangers, the Green Berets and the Night Stalkers. Here's what Army soldiers can expect from a career as a member of one of these special forces units.


What is the most elite military unit?

Army Green Berets — "Special Forces"

Army Green Berets are among the most elite groups in the world, and provide a pipeline to higher units, like the Army's "Delta" CAG, and the CIA SAD. They have about as much street-cred as numbered SEALs and Force Recon, depending on who's doing the talking.

Is Delta Force more elite than SEALs?

Both units have the most sophisticated equipment and are highly trained in Close Quarters Combat (CQB), hostage rescue, high value target extraction, and other specialized operations. The difference is the extensive training DEVGRU operators have in specialized maritime operations, given their naval heritage.

What is the most elite unit in the Coast Guard?
Maritime Security Response Team (MSRT)

The MSRT is an elite Coast Guard unit that specializes in maritime counter-terrorism operations. The Direct Action Section (DAS) element of the MSRT are highly-trained in Close Quarters Combat (CQC). If playback doesn't begin shortly, try restarting your device.

Army Green Berets — "Special Forces"

They have about as much street-cred as numbered SEALs and Force Recon, depending on who's doing the talking. Notably, Green Berets have some of the toughest initial training in the entire military (at the risk of drawing the ire of SEALs and Marine Recon).

What are 4 soldiers called?

SQUAD. Two teams make up a squad, which has four to 10 soldiers. In an infantry squad, the teams divide duties: one serves as a base-of-fire element, while the other serves as the maneuver element. A staff sergeant is often in charge.

What is 100000 soldiers called?
The motivation, implementation, and historical legacy of Project 100,000 remain contested topics. McNamara's announcement of the program was controversial among some observers from the beginning. New Standards Men earned the demeaning nickname of the “Moron Corps” among some in the military.

What is 2000 soldiers called?
Brigade or Regiment

Brigades are made up of 2,000-5,000 soldiers, normally split among three to five battalions. The armoured cavalry and ranger forces of this size are called regiments or groups, not brigades.


What is 500 soldiers called?
In most military forces the cavalry equivalent and aviation equivalent of the battalion is the squadron. In the U.S. Army of the early years of the 20th century, a battalion usually numbered from 500 to 1,000 men and was normally commanded by a lieutenant colonel.


What is a group of 120 soldiers called?
Originally, legions organized themselves into a Greek phalanx formation, but then began dividing troops into smaller units of 120 men called maniples. This later changed to cohorts of 480 men.

What is the word for 100 soldiers?
Centurions commanded a unit of around 100 soldiers (most typically 80 soldiers) called a century or centuria. Six centuries (centuriae) made a cohort, and ten cohorts made a legion.


What is a group of 80 soldiers called?
For training and fighting, each legion was split into smaller groups, called centuries, of 80 men each. Their commanders were centurions.


What is 30 soldiers called?
Three or four squads make up a platoon, which has 20 to 50 soldiers and is commanded by a lieutenant. Two or more platoons make up a company, which has 100 to 250 soldiers and is commanded by a captain or a major.

What is the most elite CIA unit?
The Special Activities Center (SAC) is a division of the United States Central Intelligence Agency responsible for covert and paramilitary operations.


How many Black Ops are there?
Black Ops is a sub-series of the Call of Duty franchise from Activision and developed by Treyarch, and includes Call of Duty: World at War, Call of Duty: Black Ops, Call of Duty: Black Ops II, Call of Duty: Black Ops III, Call of Duty: Black Ops 4, and Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War.


What are heavily armored soldiers called?
Heavy infantry consisted of heavily armed and armoured infantrymen who were trained to mount frontal assaults and/or anchor the defensive center of a battle line.

What is a grenadier soldier?
grenadier, soldier particularly selected and trained to hurl grenades. The earliest grenadiers (late 16th century) were not organized in special units, but by the mid-17th century they formed special companies within battalions.


What is a dragon soldier in the army?
Individual Chemical Corps soldiers are often referred to as "Dragon Soldiers."

What is a mercenary soldier called?
A mercenary (sometimes shortened to merc) – also called a soldier of fortune, a hired gun, a freelance, or a sellsword – is a private individual who joins an armed conflict for personal profit, is otherwise an outsider to the conflict, and is not a member of any other official military.

What is a heavy knight called?
Cuirassiers, heavy cavalry, adorned with body armor, especially a cuirass, and primarily armed with pistols and a sword. Dragoons, originally mounted infantry, but later regarded as medium cavalry. Hussars, light cavalry, primarily armed with sabres. Lancers or Uhlans, light cavalry, primarily armed with lances.

What was a fusilier soldier?
The 1st Fusiliers are a premier Armoured Infantry battlegroup, with Fusiliers experienced with the Warrior fighting vehicle since it entered service. Specialising in delivering direct action through fire and manoeuvre, the Fusiliers also have a well-tried flexibility to rapidly take on light infantry missions.

What does G.I. stand for?
“GI Joe” is a household name. Originally, GI stood for “Galvanized Iron”, the primary material used to make military items, i.e., buckets. However, as the military grew and evolved over time, GI took on multiple meanings, including “Government Issue”, “General Issue”, and even “Ground Infantry”.


Autokratōr (Greek: αὐτοκράτωρ, plural: αὐτοκράτορες, lit. "self-ruler", "one who rules by himself", from αὐτός and κράτος) is a Greek epithet applied to an individual who exercises absolute power, unrestrained by superiors. In a historical context, it has been applied to military commanders-in-chief, and to Roman and Byzantine emperors as the translation of the Latin title imperator. Its connection with Byzantine-style absolutism gave rise to the modern terms autocrat and autocracy. In modern Greek, it means "emperor", and the female form of the title is autokrateira (αὐτοκράτειρα, "empress").


Who is the leader of the goddess race?

The Supreme Deity is the leader of the entire Goddess Clan. She is also apparently Elizabeth's mother.


Who is the goddess of order?

Themis, (Greek: “Order”) in Greek religion, personification of justice, goddess of wisdom and good counsel, and the interpreter of the gods' will.


Who is the superior goddess?

Mahadevi can take various forms including Kali, Durga, and Chandi. According to Shakta traditions, Devi is the ultimate goddess and complete physical embodiments of Adi Parashakti. Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva of this Universe are her subordinates and cannot function without her power.

Who are the first 9 goddesses?
The nine muses were Calliope, Clio, Erato, Euterpe, Melpomene, Polyhymnia, Terpsichore, Thalia, Urania.

Who are the 9 goddess?

The nine forms of Devi Durga – 9 goddesses of Navratri – are Maa Shailaputri, Maa Bhramacharini, Maa Chandraghanta, Maa Kushmanda, Maa Skandamata, Maa Katyayani, Maa Kaalratri, Maa Mahagauri, and Maa Siddhidatri.


Angels A military rank

What are the 7 ranks of angels?

Highest orders Seraphim Cherubim Thrones.
Middle orders Dominions Virtues Powers.
Lowest orders Principalities Archangels Angels

What are the 10 ranks of angels?
Thrones, dominions, principalities, seraphim's, cherubim's, powers, sovereignties, archangels, and angels.


What do Seraphim angels do?
Al-Razi identifies the seraphim with the angels around God's throne, next to the cherubim. They circulate the throne and keep praising God. Ibn Kathir, on the other hand, identifies the seraphim with those who carry the throne, the highest order of angels.


What is a 10 level soldier?
Skill Level 10 identifies entry-level positions requiring performance of tasks under direct supervision. Skill Level 20 identifies positions requiring performance of more difficult tasks under general supervision; and in some instances, involving supervision of soldiers in Skill Level 10.


What are the 13 ranks in the military?
There are 13 enlisted Army ranks: private, private second class, private first class, specialist, corporal, sergeant, staff sergeant, sergeant first class, master sergeant, first sergeant, sergeant major, command sergeant major and sergeant major of the Army.

What are the 10 ranks in the military?
They plan missions, give orders and assign Soldiers tasks.
Second Lieutenant. Typically the entry-level rank for most commissioned officers. ...
First Lieutenant. A seasoned lieutenant with 18 to 24 months of service. ...
Captain. ...
Major. ...
Lieutenant Colonel. ...
Colonel. ...
Brigadier General. ...
Major General


What does it mean for a soldier to be court martialed?

A court martial is a legal proceeding for military members that is similar to a civilian court trial. It is usually reserved for serious criminal offenses like felonies. For less serious criminal offenses or breaches of military decorum and regulations, a Non-Judicial Punishment (NJP) is usually held.

What happens when a soldier gets court martialed?
What types of punishment can be imposed in Corts-martial Cases? The UCMJ authorizes 9 types of punishment for different types of offenses: punitive discharge, confinement, hard labor without confinement, restriction, reduction in grade, fine, forfeitures, reprimands, and death.

What crimes get you kicked out of the military?
3.1 Minor Traffic Offenses.
3.2 Minor Non-Traffic Offenses.
3.3 Juvenile Offenses.
3.4 Felony Offenses.
3.5 Domestic Violence Offenses.
3.6 Drug-Related Charges.
3.7 Sex Crimes And Sexual Misconduct Charges.
3.8 Dishonorable Discharge From Previous Military Service.

What are the 5 laws of war?

Principles of the laws of war

Military necessity, along with distinction, proportionality, humanity (sometimes called unnecessary suffering), and honor (sometimes called chivalry) are the five most commonly cited principles of international humanitarian law governing the legal use of force in an armed conflict.

What are the 12 rules of war?
The principles of war: Objective, Offensive, Mass, Economy of Force, Maneuver, Unity of Command, Security, Surprise, Simplicity. Military officers first learn of these principles as lieutenants and seek to refine their understanding throughout their careers.

What is illegal in war?
A war crime is a violation of the laws of war that gives rise to individual criminal responsibility for actions by combatants in action, such as intentionally killing civilians or intentionally killing prisoners of war, torture, taking hostages, unnecessarily destroying civilian property, deception by perfidy, wartime ...

What can't you do in war?
Prohibit targeting civilians. Doing so is a war crime. Recognize the right of civilians to be protected from the dangers of war and receive the help they need. Every possible care must be taken to avoid harming them or their houses, or destroying their means of survival, such as water sources, crops, livestock,


What are the full bab classes in Kingmaker?
There are three types of BAB level progression: 1 BAB per level or full BAB (Barbarian, Fighter, Monk, Paladin, Ranger, Slayer) ¾ BAB per level or partial BAB (Alchemist, Bard, Cleric, Druid, Inquisitor, Magus, Rogue, Kineticist)

How many hours is kingmaker?
While the player begins with only one character of their creation, the game is party-based as companions join them along the way. These include both established Pathfinder characters and newly invented characters. The game lasts around 80 hours.

What is the best warrior advanced class?
The Warrior - Paladin

One of the most powerful advanced classes, and one every group needs, is the Paladin. The Paladin is capable of not only healing and buffing their allies, but also dealing out damage as well. The Paladin is a powerful choice that works in both the PvE and PvP environments.


What is the most complicated class in MapleStory?
A good Blaster is a sight to behold in MapleStory, as this Resistance class is probably the most mechanically complex to play in the entire game. And, while the damage they output doesn't always make up for the mechanical complexity, when they are used correctly the Blaster is on the higher end of DPS classes.


What specialization is best for warrior?
For a total beginner to the class, although each specialization has strengths and weaknesses, we recommend Arms as the best leveling spec. Arms has a good combination between single-target and AoE group damage, and more self-healing options through the level 35 talent Second Wind.


What are the ranks in warrior?
A Clan has a strict hierarchy whose ranks include leader, deputy, medicine cat, warrior, apprentice, kit, queen, and elder. A cat's rank will determine their name. Every Clan cat begins life as a kit. A kit is any cat younger than six moons of age who has not yet begun their training.

What is a queen in Warriors?
Ferncloud. A queen is a cat that is expecting or has recently given birth to a litter of kits. Though known to be overly-protective of kits, queens usually are compassionate and kind, and in many cases they have been known to convince their mates or Clan leaders to take in cats in need of help.


What is an international force?
international force means an International United Nations Force or any force to which a contingent or a member of the Defence Forces may be assigned to for service outside the State for any purpose.




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diocese is the territorial circumscription administered by a
bishop; the archdiocese is placed under the jurisdiction of
an archbishop. Considered as a territorial circumscription,
no difference exists between them; the power of their
pastors alone is different one in 10 of the 5000 priests enjoyed regular sex with
women and some even referred to their clerical collar as
the “bird catcher”. Studies had shown that 80 per cent of
priests had broken their vows of celibacy, he said. Bishop
Buckley runs the Bethany organisation, which he set up to
support those in love affairs with the clergy. Described as
Ireland’s rebel bishop, he was sidelined by the Catholic
church in the mid-1980s when he pursued his own ministry
for those who felt alienated by the traditional church.
During his papacy, the Catholic Church faced persecution
under Fascist and Communist governments. The Nazi
persecution of the church was at its most extreme in
Occupied Poland
How do I get listed in the official Catholic Directory?You
may only be listed in the OCD if your application has
passed through the application process for the diocese in
which your ministry is located. The chancery will be able to
tell you when your application has been approved for
inclusion by the diocesan attorney and the USCCB’s
general counsel’s office.
ProPublicawww.propublica.orgWe Assembled the Only
Nationwide Database of Priests Deemed Credibly …Jan 28,
2020 — Search lists of U.S. Catholic clergy that have been
deemed credibly accused of sexual abuse or misconduct.
Credibly Accused. Over the last year
Official Catholic
Directory › …
Official Catholic DirectoryThe Official Catholic Directory,
the ‘GO-TO’ source for detailed information on the Catholic
Church in the United States for over 200 years. 2023


Collaborative Effort between NCEA and the University of
Notre Dame. | By Julie Dallavis, Ph.D., and Gina
National Association of Church Personnel
Administrators › diocesansal…
National Diocesan Survey: Salary and Benefits for Priests
and Lay …In order to make the data more comparable, the
report excludes other … Commissioned by the National
Association of Church Personnel Administrators
Episcopal Church Foundation Vital
Practices › tools › stati…Tools -
Statistical Data on Episcopal CongregationsThe data for
this chart comes from ExecutiveInsite. To access the
information, first select your diocese from the drop down
menu and then wait for the Church .
Hélène Pastor was born in 1937. Her fath


need to lead your ministry with confidence. Understand

Taxes. Keep Safe. Stay Legal.

Americans United › articles › chur…

What Lies Ahead For Church-State Separation In 2023Jan

3, 2023 — The U.S. Supreme Court recently heard oral

argument in a case that could lead to discrimination

against LGBTQ people, atheists, non-Christians …

Municipal Research and Services Center ›

july-2022 › churc… U.S. Supreme Court Makes Changes to

Establishment Clause AnalysisJul 18, 2022 — The United

States Supreme Court issued a 6-3 decision on June 27,

2022, that significantly affected.

Focus on the

Family › …The

Separation of Church and State - Daily CitizenThe so-called

“wall of separation between church and state” has done

more damage to America’s religious and moral tradition

than any other utterance

Constitutional Rights Foundation ›

bria-13-4… Separating Church and State - Constitutional …


Action Fall 1997 (13:4) Separating Church and State BRIA

13:4 Home | Separating Church and State | Religious

Constitutional Rights Foundation ›

bria-13-4… Separating Church and State - Constitutional …


Action Fall 1997 (13:4) Separating Church and State BRIA

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th…The Mother Church of the Common LawThe Mother

Church of the Common Law. by Alex Tabarrok August 24,

2023 at 7:18 am in. History · Law · Political Science ·
Travel. The Temple Church
By Common Consent › the…
The Church, the Investment Advisor, and the SECFeb 21,
2023 — By now, I assume you’ve heard that the church and
Ensign Peak Advisors have settled an SEC investigation,
with EPA agreeing to pay a $4
Freedom From Religion Foundation ›
brochures › itemTop Ten Public School State/Church
ViolationsSchool-sponsored religion not only violates the
law, but excludes the … View online brochure and PDF
here. © 2023 Freedom From Religion Foundation, Inc
ucg.org › booklet › churchFree Booklet
Available - Church ministriesBooklet Examines the
Characteristics That Identifies the Church. Request a Copy!
Examines the Characteristics…
Gospel Church Celebrity Give Back By foundations like › mi…
Michael W. Smith: Charity Work & Causes - Look to the
StarsSmith is a Grammy Award-winning American
Christian singer and songwriter. Charities & foundations
supported 1. Michael W. Smith has supported the following
Gospel Music Association › news ›
ch…Chris Tomlin’s Non-Profit ‘For Others’ Raises Over $12
MillionJun 6, 2023 — Grammy-award-winning Christian
artist Chris Tomlin and his wife Lauren’s non-profit
foundation For Others, in partnership with the Troubadour
Tim Tebow Foundationhttps://timtebowfoundation.orgTim
Tebow Foundation | Changing Lives Through Faith, Hope &
LoveWelcome to the Tim Tebow Foundation, where we

membership organization and operating expenses are
primarily paid through member .
nbccc.cchttps://nbccc.ccNational Black Catholic Clergy
CaucusSep 1, 2023 — The National Black Catholic Clergy
Caucus is an organization made up of African-American
clergy, religious, and seminarians of the Roma
accountability.orgHome - BishopAccountability.orgThe
largest public library on the Catholic clergy abuse crisis. A
digital collection of documents, survivor witness,
investigative reports
The Nation › activismThe
Catholic Women Priests Fighting for Reproductive
JusticeAug 8, 2023 — The national organization meets only
every few years, though the regions meet more regularly.
“What RCWP has been unified in its online
Knights of Columbushttps://www.kofc.orgKnights of
Columbus | Catholic Fraternal OrganizationWe are Catholic
men putting our faith in action to defend, serve, & protect
families. Investing 75+ million hours & $875 million to
National Center for Education Statistics
(.gov) › dt17_205.70.aspEnrollment and
instructional staff in Catholic elementary and secondary …
Includes estimates for the nonreporting schools. 6 Excludes
the Archdiocese of New Orleans. NOTE: Data collected by
the National Catholic Educational .
Nxtbook Media › ncea › t…The
National Data Project for Catholic SchoolsTHE NATIONAL

serve children and share God’s love. Learn more about us
online and find out how you can
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Krim Group : Los Angeles : New York : Washington, DCTKG
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Famous People Who Stutter… famous people who stutter
Stuttering Foundation Spokesmen: What Are They Up to
Now? Actors, singers & entertainers Marc Anthony — Pop
singer who is a two
NBA.com › communityCharitable
Foundation - Miami HEATThe Annual Miami HEAT Family
Festival is a themed, interactive, carnival-like celebration in
which HEAT players, coaches, celebrities and about 1,500
Recreational events For Christian And Gospel Dance clubs .
gospelnyc.comhttps://www.gospelnyc.comGospel | A
cutting edge collective space, restaurant, and lounge,
centered around …GOSPËL nestled in the heart of SoHo,
New York is a cutting edge collective space, restaurant,
and lounge, centered around Friendship, Music & Arts. It
blurs …


National Catholic Educational
Association › NCEA › 20… 2023-2024
Data CollectionThere are no changes to the 2023-2024 data
collection process. NCEA will continue to have the option
to collect school and diocesan data through FACTS’ DART
BishopAccountability.orghttps://www.bishop- › …Database of Publicly Accused Roman
Catholic Priests, Nuns, Brothers, …Database of Publicly
Accused Roman Catholic Priests, Nuns, Brothers, Deacons,
and Seminarians · The database is now searchable/sortable
by religious order
United States Conference of Catholic
Bishops › about › bis…Bishops and
DiocesesSimilar to a diocese though national in scope, the
ordinariate is based in … Use the Diocesan Locator to find a
bishop or diocese by zip code or state
The General Convention of The Episcopal Church › …Parochial Report
ResultsFeel free to view the various reports by clicking the
links below or using the blue buttons above for previous
reports. Analysis of 2022 Parochial Report Data:
The Association of Religion Data
Archives › browse-… Category
Browse | Data ArchiveToward Shaping the Agenda, A
National Survey of Catholic Religious Education, Survey of
Bishops, 1993, Toward Shaping the Agenda, A National
Church of England › …
National Register of ClergySearch the National Register of
Clergy, a database of the Church’s 20000 active clergy –
those who hold a licence or Permission to Officiate (PTO)


The National Catholic Bioethics
Centerhttps://www.ncbcenter.orgThe National Catholic
Bioethics Center… Bishops’ Workshops. Back Tell Me More
Matching Gift June 2023 Free Ethics Consult Consults
Feedback Fellows & Interns Skilled Volunteers Case Study
Database …
National Catholic Reporter ›
news20 years after Boston Globe’s ‘Spotlight,’ we need a
national database of accused clergyJan 4, 2022 — In the
United States, the terrible truth that Catholic clergy have
sexually violated children has been known publicly now for
at least 36 years
National Association of Priest
Pilotshttps://priestpilots.orgNational Association of Priest
Pilots ← Priests Who Are PilotsNAPP · 1. To promote the
use of private aircraft as a practical, safe, and efficient tool
of the apostolic work of a priest. · 2. To cooperate with
other aviation
NAFP-USA › about-usAbout UsThe
organizational process of the National Assembly of Filipino
Priests Serving the Church … organization of all Filipino
priest organizations & associations
Survivors Network of those Abused by
Priests Survivors Network of
those Abused by PriestsWe are SNAP, the largest, oldest
and most active support group for women and men
wounded by religious and institutional authorities (priests,
ministers, ..
National Council of Priests of
Australia National
Council of Priests of Australia: HomeThe National Council


of Priests is an Australia wide organisation of Catholic
Clergy (Bishops, Priests, Deacons) and Associate Members
(Lay, Religious
Association of Roman Catholic Women
Priestshttps://arcwp.orgAssociation of Roman Catholic
Women PriestsThe Association of Roman Catholic Women
Priests (ARCWP) prepare and ordain qualified women and
men to serve the people of God as priests
National Association of Christian
Ministershttps://nacministers.comNational Association of
Christian Ministers | National Association of …We are a
non-denominational fellowship of professional Christian
ministers offering ministry training, Christian ordination,
minister licenses and church
Women’s Ordination
Conference › …Fact
sheet on Catholic Women’s Ordination… clergy is “very
important.” Gallup Organization survey, September 2005;
There are 16 national organizations from 11 different
countries that advocate women’s
National Sexual Violence Resource
Center › organizations SNAP -
Survivors Network of those Abused by PriestsSurvivors
Network of those Abused by Priests (SNAP) is a self-help
organization … Trying to Log In? Staff Login. Back to Top.
© National Sexual Violence
Catholic Daughters of the
Americashttps://catholicdaughters.orgCatholic Daughters
of the Americas - New York, NY(and our National Projects
and National Charities!) The Catholic Daughters is a






cannot rule over the church.However, anydisplay of blatant
religious artifacts, such as a nativity set,would
suggestadvocacy and thereby violate the Establishment
Clause (Lynch vs.Donnelly 1984).Student prayer:
Mandatory school-wide prayer has beenconsidered a
violation ofthe Establishment Clause.
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Your Ministry Legal - Church Law & TaxKeep up-to-date
with what’s happening in your state. Learn new skills via
webinars & more! Browse by topic to find the answers you
need tolead your ministry with confidence. Understand
Taxes. Keep Safe. Stay Legal.
Americans United › articles › chur…
What Lies Ahead For Church-State Separation In 2023Jan
3, 2023 — The U.S. Supreme Court recently heard oral
argument in a case that could lead to discrimination
against LGBTQ people, atheists, non-Christians …Municipal
Research and Services Center › july-2022 ›
churc…U.S. Supreme Court Makes Changes to
Establishment Clause AnalysisJul 18, 2022 —The United
States Supreme Court issued a 6-3 decision on June 27,
2022, thatsignificantly affected.
Focus on the
Family › …The
Separation of Church and State - Daily CitizenThe so-called
“wall of separation between church and state” has done
more damage to America’s religious and moral tradition
than any other utterance Constitutional Rights
Foundation › bria-13-4… Separating
Church and State - Constitutional …CONSTITUTIONAL
RIGHTS FOUNDATIONBill of Rights in Action Fall 1997
(13:4) Separating Church and State BRIA 13:4 Home |
Separating Church and State | Religious Constitutional

Rights Foundation › bria-13-4…
Separating Church and State - Constitutional …
Action Fall 1997 (13:4) Separating Church and State BRIA
13:4 Home | Separating Church and State | Religious
th…The Mother Church of the Common LawThe Mother
Church of the Common Law. by Alex Tabarrok August 24,
2023 at 7:18 am in. History · Law · Political Science ·
Travel. The TempleChurch
By Common Consent › the…
The Church, the Investment Advisor, and the SECFeb 21,
2023 — By now, I assume you’ve heardthat the church and
Ensign Peak Advisors have settled an SEC
investigation,with EPA agreeing to pay a $4 Freedom From
Religion Foundation › brochures › itemTop
Ten Public School State/Church ViolationsSchool-
sponsored religion not onlyviolates the law, but excludes
the … View online brochure and PDF here. ©2023 Freedom
From Religion Foundation, Inc ucg.org
› booklet › churchFree Booklet Available - Church
ministriesBooklet Examines the Characteristics That
Identifies the Church. Request a Copy! Examines the
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Michael W. Smith: Charity Work & Causes - Look to the
StarsSmith is a Grammy Award-winning American
Christian singer and songwriter. Charities & foundations
supported 1. Michael W. Smith has supported the following
.Gospel Music Association › news ›
ch…Chris Tomlin’sNon-Profit ‘For Others’ Raises Over $12
MillionJun 6, 2023 — Grammy-award-winning Christian
artist Chris Tomlin and his wife Lauren’s non-profit


cannot rule over the church.However, anydisplay of blatant
religious artifacts, such as a nativity set,would
suggestadvocacy and thereby violate the Establishment
Clause (Lynch vs.Donnelly 1984).Student prayer:
Mandatory school-wide prayer has beenconsidered a
violation ofthe Establishment Clause.
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Your Ministry Legal - Church Law & TaxKeep up-to-date
with what’s happening in your state. Learn new skills via
webinars & more! Browse by topic to find the answers you
need tolead your ministry with confidence. Understand
Taxes. Keep Safe. Stay Legal.
Americans United › articles › chur…
What Lies Ahead For Church-State Separation In 2023Jan
3, 2023 — The U.S. Supreme Court recently heard oral
argument in a case that could lead to discrimination
against LGBTQ people, atheists, non-Christians …Municipal
Research and Services Center › july-2022 ›
churc…U.S. Supreme Court Makes Changes to
Establishment Clause AnalysisJul 18, 2022 —The United
States Supreme Court issued a 6-3 decision on June 27,
2022, thatsignificantly affected.
Focus on the
Family › …The
Separation of Church and State - Daily CitizenThe so-called
“wall of separation between church and state” has done
more damage to America’s religious and moral tradition
than any other utterance Constitutional Rights
Foundation › bria-13-4… Separating
Church and State - Constitutional …CONSTITUTIONAL
RIGHTS FOUNDATIONBill of Rights in Action Fall 1997
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Separating Church and State | Religious Constitutional


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knowledge of over 33 years in athletics coupled with his experience as a four-time
No. 1 Fitness Trainer in the world. “Spiritual awareness is one of the key
components of healthy lifestyle that impacts the whole body and rejuvenates the
spirit,” Becic said. “Physical fitness and healthy nutrition allows that spirit to
flourish to new dimensions and many people experience a closer relationship to
God.” There is an alarming crisis looming in the pews of churches across America.
In fact, statistics suggest that the church today may indeed be in worse condition
than the general population. A 2006 Purdue study found that t

there an amendment making the separation of church and state illegal?The First
Amendment has two provisions concerning religion: the Establishment Clause and
the Free Exercise Clause. The Establishment clause prohibits the government from
“establishing” a religion. The precise definition of “establishment” is unclear.
The Supreme Court has ruled that the 14th Amendment (ratified in 1868) requires
states to guarantee fundamental rights such as the First Amendment’s prohibition
against the establishment of religion. This means that states, like the federal
government, can “make no law respecting an establishment of religion.”
Rather, the First Amendment ensures both that the government does not show
preference to a certain religion and that the government does not take away an
individual’s ability to exercise religion. In other words, the church should not rule
over the state, and the state cannot rule over the church. However, any display of
blatant religious artifacts, such as a nativity set, would suggest advocacy and
thereby violate the Establishment Clause (Lynch vs. Donnelly 1984). Student
prayer: Mandatory school-wide prayer has been considered a violation of the
Establishment Clause.
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Church Law & TaxKeep up-to-date with what’s happening in your state. Learn new
skills via webinars & more! Browse by topic to find the answers you need to lead
your ministry with confidence. Understand Taxes. Keep Safe. Stay Legal.
Americans United › articles › chur…What Lies Ahead For Church-
State Separation In 2023Jan 3, 2023 — The U.S. Supreme Court recently heard oral
argument in a case that could lead to discrimination against LGBTQ people,
atheists, non-Christians …
Municipal Research and Services Center › july-2022 › churc… U.S.
Supreme Court Makes Changes to Establishment Clause AnalysisJul 18, 2022 —
The United States Supreme Court issued a 6-3 decision on June 27, 2022, that
significantly affected.
Focus on the Family › …The Separation of
Church and State - Daily CitizenThe so-called “wall of separation between church
and state” has done more damage to America’s religious and moral tradition than
any other utterance
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Marginal REVOLUTION › th…The Mother Church of
the Common LawThe Mother Church of the Common Law. by Alex Tabarrok August
24, 2023 at 7:18 am in. History · Law · Political Science · Travel. The Temple Church
By Common Consent › the…The Church, the
Investment Advisor, and the SECFeb 21, 2023 — By now, I assume you’ve heard
that the church and Ensign Peak Advisors have settled an SEC investigation, with
EPA agreeing to pay a $4
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School State/Church ViolationsSchool-sponsored religion not only violates the law,
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Profit ‘For Others’ Raises Over $12 MillionJun 6, 2023 — Grammy-award-winning
Christian artist Chris Tomlin and his wife Lauren’s non-profit foundation For Others,
in partnership with the Troubadour
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Shift Christian Lounge on the first Friday of the month. The church lighting dims,
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9 Best Churches and Venues to Hear Gospel In NYCFrom fantastic churches to
wonderful music venues, these spots are home to some of the most famous gospel
choirs in the world! Corey Fuller COREY FULLER - STAFF WRITER • JUNE 8, 2023 9
Best Churches and Venues to Hear Gospel In NYCPhoto: Greater Refuge Temple
New York City is known for its rich musical culture, where you can find some of the
best performers in any genre of music! That includes popular musical styles and
more spiritual music, like gospel. Here in NYC, there are many churches and houses
of worship throughout the five boroughs where gospel music is performed, either
during Sunday Service or at special events.
But you can’t expect to stumble into any random church and find a gospel choir. So
to help you in your search, here is a look at the best churches and music venues to
find quality gospel in NYC!

1. First Corinthian Baptist ChurchGospel choir at First Corinthians Baptist Church
in NYCPhoto: FCBC/FacebookFirst Corinthian Baptist Church in Harlem is known
for its talented choir. They host frequent events and worship experiences, as
well as weekly services where you can hear their world-famous choir! The
church is within an old movie theater and has a regular congregation of over
7,000 members, although visitors and newcomers are always welcome.Worship
services here are held every Sunday at 8 am and 10:45 am. Where: 1912 Adam
Clayton Powell Jr Blvd
2. Times Square ChurchWoman singing gospel at Times Square Church in
NYCPhoto: Robert Tarleton/Times Square ChurchThe Times Square Church is an
interdenominational house of worship located right outside of Times Square in
Midtown. The church is within the former Mark Hellinger Theater, a movie palace
originally built by Warner Bros that was eventually turned into a Broadway
theater. The church welcomes visitors of all denominations and walks of life and
hosts frequent community events and camps for kids. They also have a
renowned gospel choir that consists of over 130 members sharing their faith
through song. Service at the Times Square Church takes place on Sundays a 10
PM and 1 PM, Tuesdays at 7 PM, and Wednesdays at 7 PM. They also offer
virtual services on Sundays and Wednesdays. Where: 237 W 51st St
3. Brooklyn TabernacleChoir at The Brooklyn TabernaclePhoto: The Brooklyn
Tabernacle/FacebookThe Brooklyn Tabernacle is a non-denominational church
in Downtown, Brooklyn that is famous for its eponymous choir. Its 280-group
ensemble has recorded 40 albums and won seven Dove Awards and six
Grammy Awards. The church itself is set up like a concert hall with high domed
ceilings and two levels where visitors can sit and worship. An estimated 10,000
people attend their services each week to worship and hear their world-famous
choir. Service here is held at 9 am and 12 pm on Sundays, which are also live
streamed. Where: 17 Smith St, Brooklyn
4. Abyssinian Baptist ChurchChoir at The Abyssinian Baptist ChurchPhoto:
Abyssinian Baptist Church/FacebookThe Abyssinian Baptist Church is a Baptist
megachurch located in Harlem. Founded in 1808, it’s one of New York City’s
oldest and most prominent African American congregations and is home to a
world-famous gospel choir! Their impressive repertoire includes oratorios,
cantatas, anthems, spirituals, hymns, and gospel songs. The church is also
housed in a historic gothic and Tudor-style revival building designed by Charles
W. Bolton & Sons, complete with gorgeous stained-glass windows and marble
furnishings. Service at Abyssinian Baptist Church is held every Sunday at 10 am,
in-person and virtually. Where: 132 W 138th St
5. Temple of RestorationGospel music at Temple of Restoration in Brooklyn,
NYPhoto: Temple of RestorationThe Temple of Restoration is a Pentecostal
Ministry which was was founded by Bishop Angelo Barbosa in November 2000
and has grown into one of the biggest churches in Brooklyn. In addition to their
main location near the Barclays Center, they also have several throughout the
city and country, as well as international congregations as far away as Brazil and
South Africa. Aside from being a welcoming community with a mission of
helping the poor and disenfranchised, they are also a great place to hear gospel
music in NYC every Sunday! Services here are Sundays at 7:30 am, 10 am, and 6
pm. Where: 490 Pacific St, Brooklyn

.6 Bethel Gospel AssemblyNew York City, USA - June 11, 2017: People going out
bethel gospel assembly after sunday service in Harlem, New YorkPhoto:
ShutterstockBethel Gospel Assembly is located near Marcus Garvey Park in East
Harlem, and has been a pillar of the Harlem community since 1917! Its best
known for its lively services that include singing, dancing, preaching, and more.
The church is housed in an old school building and has a very welcoming and
down-to-earth atmosphere. Their lively and passionate choir performs every
Sunday, making the church one of the best places for gospel in NYC. Service
here is held every Sunday at 10:15 am (registration required). Where: 2-26 E
120th St
7. Canaan BaptistGovernor Kathy Hochul delivers remarks at Canaan Baptist
Church of Christ on October 23, 2022Photo: ShutterstockCanaan Baptist Church
in central Harlem hosts multiple respected choirs performing spirituals, gospel,
and other worship songs. They describe their services as “afro-centric” and
offer the closest thing to a traditional Southern Baptist service you’ll find in NYC!
There’s no shortage of movement, singing, dancing, and audience participation
either! Service here is held every Sunday at 10 am, both in person and online.
Where: 132 116th St
8. Greater Cavalry Baptist ChurchGospel/jazz band at Greater Calvary Baptist
ChurchPhoto: Greater Calvary Baptist Church/FacebookThe Greater Cavalry
Baptist Church has served as an important pillar of the city’s jazz scene for many
years. They’re famous for their gospel choir that has performed alongside
famous acts like U2 and even released a studio album! In addition to weekly
services, the church frequently serves as a venue to hear blues, jazz, and other
popular styles of music too. Service at Greater Cavalry Baptist Church is every
Sunday at 10 am. Where: 55 W 124th St
9. Greater Refuge TempleHarlem, Manhattan, New York City, New York, USA.
November 4, 2021. The Great Refuge Temple in Harlem.Photo: ShutterstockThe
Greater Refuge Temple is a Pentecostal church in Harlem, located a few blocks
from the Apollo Theater. The 60-member choir here is known for its animated
performances that include plenty of audience participation and unique
percussive instruments! In addition to their weekly Sunday service, they also
host regular concerts and community events that welcome anyone who wants
to get involved. Worship services here are held every Sunday at 11:00 am, 4 pm,
and 8 pm! Where: 2081 Adam Clayton Powell Jr. Blvd
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America’s KESWICK › recrea…Fun Recreational
Activities at America’s Keswick Christian Retreat & Conference …America’s Keswick
Christian Retreat and Conference Center in NJ has lots of fun on-site activities,
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Christian Outdoor Ministryhttps://christianoutdoorministry.orgChristian Outdoor
MinistryProviding a Christian witness to youth and their families through outdoor
and hunting & fishing events in God’s amazing creation!
G1 Outdoorshttps://www.g1outdoors.comG1 OutdoorsG1 Outdoors is a network of
outdoor adventure ministries that support Christian evangelism, discipleship, and
connection with the natural world.
ReCreation Adventure Ministries › …Who
We Are — ReCreation Adventure MinistriesReCreation Adventure Ministries is a
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Christ through guided outdoor adventures
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pines bible camp · adventurous christians · silver beach
Patheos › topic › r…Recreation Outdoors and Religion The
outdoors is a great opportunity to connect with one’s faith via nature, recreation,
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basic recreation activities are included in your group retreat package. We have
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Pepperdine Community › …Outdoor Recreation |
Pepperdine CommunityWith activities ranging from rock climbing, skiing, and
camping to backpacking, beach days, and movie nights, outdoor recreation has
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Death Penalty Information Center
1701 K Street NW, Suite 750 | Washington, DC 20006
Phone: 202-289-2275
*Please direct media inquiries to 202-289-4022

The Death Penalty Information Center (DPIC) is a national non-profit organization whose mission is to serve the media, policymakers, and the general public with data and analysis on issues concerning capital punishment and the people it affects. DPIC does not take a position on the death penalty itself but is critical of problems in its application.

Founded in 1990, DPIC promotes insightful discourse on the death penalty by curating and presenting expansive, authoritative data from credible sources and offering clear, trustworthy, and timely information and research about the history and current application of the death penalty. DPIC produces groundbreaking reports on issues such as arbitrariness, costs, innocence, and racial disparities. DPIC also releases an annual year-end report highlighting significant developments and trends. A wide variety of free online resources are available on DPIC’s award-winning website, including searchable databases; data visualizations; educational curricula; and podcast series, Discussions with DPIC, which explores diverse viewpoints and experiences related to capital punishment.

Private Jails Locations map




then 988. Veterans call 988, then press 1 or text any word to 838255. For other language
support, you must call 988 and ask for help in the language you speak. They will get you
a Tele-Interpreter.
• Mobile Crisis Units (MCU), also called Mobile Crisis Rapid Response Teams, are a good
option if you or a loved one are experiencing a mental health emergency. They are not
NAMI National Resource Directory as of January 2023
Table of Contents
AVAILABLE IN ALL COUNTIES, but where available, they provide on-scene evaluation, treatment,
and crisis intervention in the community. For information about the availability of mobile
crisis services in your area, search online or contact 211. To find an MCU in your
community, search online for “Mobile Crisis Unit [and the name of your
• 911 is for if your loved one or another person is in immediate, life-threatening
danger. Ask that CIT officers respond who


for adults that may be experiencing symptoms of ADHD. ADDA offers information, resources, and
ways to connect with others.
• Families for Depression Awareness offers an online, self-assessment for depression and bipolar disorder.
• Psychology Tools offers an online, self-assessment, the Internet Addition Assessment (IAA) which may reveal some pathological aspects of internet and smartphone use. It is
not meant to be a definitive diagnostic test.
• Psychology Tools offer s an online, self-assessment, the Obsessive-Compulsive Inventory, OCI-R to assess the severity and type of symptoms related to OCD.
• SexHelp offers an online self-assessment tool, Sex Addiction Screening Test (SAST-R) to identify areas for concern, information for concerned individuals, partners, and parents,
and an online locator to help find specialized therapists.
• The Dissociative Experiences Scale is an online, self-assessment that measures a variety of types of dissociation and is a screening tool for dissociative disorders.
See, also, Education, Insurance and Social Services sections of Resource Directory.
• NAMI page on Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Social-Security Disability Income
• NAMI Knowledge Article on Disability


Benefits: “Can I receive disability for my mental health condition? I need help understanding/applying for SSI/SSDI/Medicaid/Medicare.”
• Allsup provides information about the Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) disability application process, appealing a denied claim, expert representation, and a quiz to help
determine SSDI eligibility. The Allsup website is also available in Spanish. Allsup charges
a one-time representation fee if you receive SSDI benefits.
NAMI National Resource Directory as of January 2023
Table of Contents
• National Disability Rights Network (NDRN) supports the efforts of state Protection and Advocacy Systems (P&As) and Client Assistance Programs (CAPs) agencies. NDRN
offers a locator for statewide advocacy services for people with disabilities. The P&A/CAP
network is the nation’s largest provider of legal advocacy services for people with
disabilities. State P&A and/or CAP websites offer assistance in the areas of community
living, criminal justice, education, employment, residential facilities, vocational
rehabilitation, and voting.
• National Organization of Social Security

Claimants' Representatives (NOSSCR) offers information and a Lawyer Referral Service for people seeking legal representation to assist
with a Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
claim or appeal.
• The National Association of Disability Representatives (NADR) offers information and a Representative Referral Service for people seeking a representative to assist with a
Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) claim
or appeal.
• The Social Security’s Representative Payee Program offers information about an appointed representative’s role and responsibilities when managing a beneficiary’s
payments and how a beneficiary can report concerns or appeal a decision about
appointing a representative payee.
• The Social Security Administration (SSA) administers and manages the Social Security Income (SSI) and Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) programs. Both provide
monthly income for people disabled by a mental illness, but each has different
requirements and application processes. The SSA’s website offers an eligibility screening
tool, online applications, and information about receiving direct assistance by phone at
(800)-772-1213 or by appointment.
• NAMI Getting Your Child Mental Health Support and Accommodations in School page

• ADA National Network offers a regional locator for ADA resource centers that offer information and services for people with disabilities including ADA accommodations,
training, employment and school to work transitions.
• Center for Parent Information and Resources is an accessible guide for parents (and anyone else) looking to understand more about the Individuals with Disabilities Education
NAMI National Resource Directory as of January 2023
Table of Contents
ACT (IDEA) AND OTHER education-related mental health laws. It maintains a “Find a Parent
Technical Assistance Center (PTAC)” locator on its website to PTACs in their community that perform a variety of direct services for children with disabilities, families and other
organizations that support them. The website also offers resources in Spanish
• Council of Parent Attorneys and Advocates, Inc (COPAA) does not provide individual advocacy, rather it provides extensive resources and information to students and their
families to protect educational rights for

students with disabilities and their parents or
family members. The website features a ‘Find an Attorney/Advocate’ search engine on
the site.
• National Association of Therapeutic Schools and Programs (NATSAP) is a membership organization for therapeutic boarding schools, residential treatment centers and wildness
therapy programs. The “For Parent” section offers a program/school locator and contains
information about financial options and scholarships.
• National Disability Rights Network (NDRN) supports the efforts of state Protection and Advocacy Systems (P&As) and Client Assistance Programs (CAPs) agencies. NDRN
offers a locator for statewide advocacy services for people with disabilities. The P&A/CAP
network is the nation’s largest provider of legal advocacy services for people with
disabilities. State P&A and/or CAP websites offer assistance in the areas of community
living, criminal justice, education, employment, residential facilities, vocational
rehabilitation, and voting.
• The U.S. Department of Education Office of Civil Rights (OCR) enforces several federal civil rights laws that ban discrimination in programs or activities that receive federal
financial assistance from the Department of Education. Information on how to file a

discrimination complaint can be found on their website.
• Understood for Learning and Attention Issues provides information about school accommodations to parents of children with learning and attention issues. In particular,
the website includes information on the “Child Find Mandate” that covers school accommodations, IEPs (Individual Education Plans), 504s, and IDEA (Individuals with
Disabilities Education Act). The website also offered in Spanish.
• Wrightslaw provides a lot of information and resources for parents, educators, advocates, and attorneys about special education law, education law and advocacy for children with
disabilities. The website offers resources in Spanish.
• NAMI Succeeding at Work page
NAMI National Resource Directory as of January 2023
Table of Contents
• NAMI KNOWLEDGE ARTICLE on Employment Rights: “I feel I am being discriminated against
by my employer because of my mental illness. What are my rights?”

Job Accommodation Network (JAN) provides free information and consulting services for individuals with all types of medical and mental health conditions. You can access
consultation services by email, chat, or telephone. Searchable online accommodation
resource center and the A to Z of disabilities and accommodations offer extensive
• The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Information Line answers questions related to ADA requirements and how the ADA applies to your situation and how to file a complaint.
They can be reached at (800) 514-0301.
• The U.S. Department of Health & Human Services website provides a feature to file an online civil rights complaint regarding housing, law enforcement, labor, education or
employment discrimination. The website is also offered in Spanish.
• The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) provides information about employment rights, including discrimination because of race, color, religion, sex, national
origin, age, disability including mental illness, or genetic information and how to proceed
with filing a charge of discrimination.
Housing Discrimination/Complaints
• NAMI Knowledge Article on Housing Discrimination: “I feel I am being discriminated
against access to housing because of my mental illness. What are my rights?”
• The Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Office of Fair Housing & Equal Opportunity

features resources related to HUD fair housing treatment and where users can file a
complaint in Spanish or English online about unfair treatment or discrimination.
• The National Fair Housing Alliance provides fair housing resources, reports and news about recent fair housing developments.
• The U.S. Department of Health & Human Services website provides a feature to file an online civil rights complaint regarding housing, law enforcement, labor, education or
employment discrimination. The website is also offered in Spanish.
Incarcerated Persons – Mistreatment While Incarcerated
• NAMI Criminal Justice Videos, NAMI Justice Library and NAMI Guide to Mental Illness
and the Criminal Justice System
NAMI National Resource Directory as of January 2023
Table of Contents
• NAMI KNOWLEDGE ARTICLE: “My loved one is being mistreated in jail/not receiving
medication. What can I do to help?”
• FindLaw offers information about the rights of incarcerated people and includes a locator for finding legal help near you and



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