Curse the Church

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Book Descriptions

Curse the Church show the fraud in modern day church name drops Pastor and Bishops Mega church's like TD Jakes ,Noel Jones , Floyd Flake were not registered Bishops and ministry's banned from clergy office all these church's . Laws with Proof your in a fraud ministry . A resource glossary for church Recrearional activity events etc . The progress in church and the stagnated churches who went against teaching Business on Wednesday or credit or proper home ownership and purchase members have gone to church 20 years they teach god preach god . With church not teaching you how to live but preaching God or Bible only they members go 50 some longer with money no knowledge how to by a house or credit how it works gave to ministry's for years who just are Piloting looking good with another a sermon another week 20 years later suck dry by the church and Jealous of Ministry's like CCC A.R. Benard Christian cultural center who has businesses birth out of it like app class Reality class members who beacon millionaires so can afford to pay tithes 10% of their Billions because they church planted a seed in their life . Curse the Church is a informal book By America King Jesus Christ on Christianity ,Christians ,church religion today .