Hip hop the Last Religion 2 Women Lady's Girls Empowerment

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Hip hop the Last Religion 2 Women Lady's Girls Empowerment"



America πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ King πŸ‘‘ Kev



is full of insightful knowledge on the inside of the Entertainment industry its history section we show you the history of Women in Entertainment high executives, musicians, studio owners ,business and production company owners top ranking chicks , number one female arrest under rated from the start of Entertainment. We also give informal detailed information on how to join the most popular forms of entertainment a full grass roots start in modeling, acting 🎭 recording artist 🎨 writters authors and more . The cover shows Forbes.com top female Trillionaires and Billionaires for the last 3 years combined with the top million dollar salary Ceo ,Executives, investors ,Inventors, Chemist, Biochemist from all ethnicity and back ground Asian, Black ,Spanish, Puerto Rican ,White women etc Forbes.com recorded over 200 women Trillionaires in last 3 years the cover of the next Oprah's now . Inside Women founded companies like Summers Eve by Rapper Eve Revlon by Estate holder Queen Latifah, Old Bay Season a female Haitian πŸ‡­πŸ‡Ή women now a family estate and more also .Historic articles of Female women lady's Suffrage movement for 2000 years same age as 🌎 Earth and US gov women had no right to vote in America no Social security number till married not able to go to school till 1964 when Martin Luther ended the last laws of Slavery Segregation Equality for all and Women's Rights. The marches of 1909 where Congress promised Social security till 1964 news covers and articles actually petition ignored court documents of proof U.S gov cooperated with Holy war Mass Rape was pledge by Barak Hussein Obama, Saddam Hussein, William Alfred Martin Hitler Pastor Martin, Osama Bin Laden, Quasimodo, Kadefe , King of Germany Prince of Britain Phillip married his biological daughter Queen Elizabeth II . Documents Mergered PDF of Government Updated progress in society civilization humanity earth structure damage and repair. RECOVERY STAGE FOR HOLY WAR AND ANALYTICAL WAR LED TO THE CLOSING OF US GOV FEDERAL SYSTEM CIA POLITICS WITH CONGRESS SEALED BY THE GOV. GENERAL ABOLISHED OUT THE WORLD INDEFINITELY BETTER UNDERSTOOD TAKING THE FREE UNITED NATIONS TOUR . ECONOMY INFUSED ALL COMMUNITY BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY GDP GROSS POINT AVERAGE ARE 10 SOMETIMES 15 TIMES HIGHRR SHOWING THE CIRCULATION OF MONEY BACK IN AMERICA πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ SINCE MEMORANDA MIMORANDOS SUBMITTED SINCE 2019 WVEN NEW DEFAULT MEDS ARE FREE FOR HOSPITALS NATURALLY AND ORGANIC SURGICAL REMEDIES FREE FOR CLIENT GOVERNMENT PAY HOSPITAL LINKS TO WAREHOUSES BY ROYAL COMMISSION GOVERNMENT IN MIMORANDOS ALL GOVERNMENT PAYROLL HAS BEEN TRANSFERED PAY HIKES AND PROPER SALARY FOR COLLEGE IN NEW GOVERNMENT RETIREMENT IS 10YEARS NOT 25 YEARS 5 YEARS WITH ALL JOBS COMBINED IS EARLY RETIREMENT IN US GOV AND FIRST JOB COUNT. College debt dissolved. Missions and journeys filed on all video on demand Amazon and Roku streaming app closing Nebuchadnezzar and Ebacansa underworld in Jerusalem which is in Africa Journey . Murder Congress Ground Bombers Show seen on the History Channel over 40 movie documentary on AIFMILITARY Allied International Force Royal Commission GOVERNMENT Black Military Black Report.
Anyltical war in politics also .
Over 200 questions answered Girls , women 🚺 and ladies ask qurious to know mislead by Boys or males who are not men to keep a pretty face around simple questions answered by the curator, founder and who registered the industry of Entertainment America πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ King, King Kevvy , Appollo the God of entertainment .