The Royal Commission Government 2 books No Government Shutdown in effect since 2019 .Proper mimorando memorandum memorando

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Royal Commission Government


Protected By AIFMilitary Allied International Force

Thier no Government shut down the U.s gov admits they shut down weeks ago mimorando since 2019 prove they were not a government and all accounts and funding process have been taken away from Mayor's Governor Comptroller and US congress politics and Feds . All dept. Payroll and Welfare will presume as normal .Nypd or Us police department are the only dept unpaid indifianace of law .Royal Commission Police are in every state town and Bourgh plain clothes on 911 call Tailing False us police on your call who get their first .

The Royal Commission Commission Government in effect since 2019 .Proper mimorando memorandum memorando mandates submitted to database in all industry's even free supplies and equipment for your business learn and understand more with any state town or country Free this year United Nations tour .Where you.can see Royal commission government payroll to all Government agency's now in every conteninent Theirs Ssi , Gov. Retirement , EBT Cash assistants Medicare in every country samtimigo ,West Indies Ireland Mexico ,Free lightning bill in every country purchasing and installed the world's largest Country lighting board that covers the high voltage of a black out with 1 2 I'm every every country installed .The old Myth The government supposed to run on air money Granny crazy story was true a expendable account process we have already . Global Revamp Plan Train station in every country installed already World's most advanced seweage system started to be installed in every country 10 year installation time in some country's Mountain with caves ions dens masons he's lots and dunguen where celebs hide with Speeding ticket warrants Flattened around the world Jail reform Plan all state jail buildings replaced a 5 years Project started .New Currencies and dinomination in bank accounts already Zillion and Illion set in all online and commercial bank accounts 3 years Mint slip easy vetting for your Real able to use in bank deposit as cash instantly 1million Dollar bill Free 1million dollar Black Gold Quarter The $1000 bill and the Citizens fan request of $30 bill able to get a free at the currrencie government office online mail the form off website get Millions free deposit same day at any bank Bank tellers schools updated do 3 years . Homelessness deficits rate abolished Apt. Housing Program ICL Institute for Community Living Make enough Apt. With 5k -9k apt in a building Family and single apt coded for.low income Royal Grade Lavish Luxury apt with Recreation Pools game rooms in Building Intake at any Gotti Houses Rapper Ma Building Camba Building same day intake a Building up and intake in your community around the world now . So amid is not a law or Process a Government has been in America now with no more city's Just Terrorial States Like Nebraska Indiana Jersey keeping the heritage of America registered stance by the People century's ago .Land Of the Free Home of The Brave Royal Commission serves every country Bounty Database set plain cloths for now Royal Commission Police in Every state town and country patrol sweeps are illegal in law enforcement Law enforcement are taught trained to combat crime which led to the threat of senseless crime at a stand still because of the threat the imagery Nypd uniform brings to the Citizen eye . Nypd are the only Dept. With no pay hikes ,Job by college and last salary set at a government Job . Now a government job can be a million dollar salary for a Judge . By Law a government can outsource so The Royal Commission Purchased from Ralph Lauren , Approve Jeans , Public Rec , Jon Lauren Apperal ,Bamabaas socks ,Channel products Supadry ,Tacomba, Sephora , Nike Louis Vuitton etc for all Government Shelter pantry soup kitchens Etc